Here are two more poems, one from about five years ago, the other from seventeen, beginning with the most recent: A fog of confusion wreaths the mind so densely that thought finds it impossible to navigate through to the outside world of comprehension Imprisoned in a sleepless limbo and isolated by a sea of fearful lonliness, the body cries out for the gentle caress of a human hand as the soul mourns the separation ...
Life is very different than it was five years ago when I was blogging here on a regular basis. It is different than two years ago when I posted for the last time prior to now as well. I moved...from WA to AL to PA back to AR...the last two on my own. I went through a devastating divorce, my marriage ending after 13 1/2 years, watched my exhusband remarry the best friend whose children I had helped raise for 2 years, and walked away from it all. I went through 2 other failed relationships, but le...
Flipping through radio stations on the long drive home, I came across one playing some old familiar tunes I hadn't heard in was amazing the immediate gut reaction I had.... Home Sweet Home (Motley Crue) heart's like an open book, for the whole world to is, really. How strange is it that I feel like a worn, little known classic, first edition, even, just waiting for someone to recognize the worth of what they've stumbled upon lying in their path, snatch it u...
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It seems like every time I blog, I'm commenting on how it's been too long since I wrote last. Same thing when I email people, too. I hereby resolve, this 1st day of February (I know I'm a month late), to blog more. Especially since I don't have the excuse of SPC Nbs being on the computer constantly for the next few months. Any topic ideas?
Well, it's been another month since I posted, and alot has happened. I still haven't been able to make myself write about this past summer, but something happened about a week ago, and I realized I had to. You see, my grandfather died this summer. I got a phone call from my Mom towards the end of May, telling me Papaw (my dad's dad) was in the hospital again. He was on a repirator because his lungs had collapsed, and he had kidney failure. She said if I wanted to see him again be...
You know that feeling of emptiness that you get sometimes? Staring up into a clear night sky, black velvet sprinkled with diamond dust.... Watching the reflection of the moon dancing, shimmering on the water Feel the chill of a cold breeze across the nape of your neck. Wishing someone would enfold you in their arms, surround you Feel warm breath stir your hair as they whisper, "it'll be okay" Wanting the release of tears, comfort against fears Someone beside you, but a chasm ...
I love music. Music has been an integral part of me my entire life. All kinds of music. Rock, heavy metal, jazz, classical, christian, country, even some rap (though not much), and lots of novelty music. I like it all. I enjoy it all. Some of it is because it is honestly good music, and some of it is because of the memories. I've heard several times over the years about the connection that chocolate plays with memories. Experts say that there is a chemical in chocolate that causes...
Well, hello to anyone out there that remembers me! I know it's been a while since I posted. I haven't forgotten about all of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I'm hoping to blog about the past six months or so, and keep going. I know that my hubby updated everyone on his health way back. From this side of the hospital gown it was pretty scary. I have never seen him like that before. So, what has happened since Easter? I played in the pit orchestra for an Opera at school, fini...
It's been awhile since I posted, partly because of how hectic my schedule has been and partly because of laziness, so I'm not sure how many people will see this. But..............for those of you who know who SPC Nobody Special (My husband) is, I would ask you to be praying for him for the next few days. He was sent home on quarters 3 days in a row this week and was still feeling really badly yesterday (Saturday), so I took him to the Emergency Room at the post hospital. He was admitted a ...