Once upon a time in the kingdom of Aquatread...
Or, I finally have the time to blog
Published on February 1, 2006 By LadyCleve In Blogging
It seems like every time I blog, I'm commenting on how it's been too long since I wrote last. Same thing when I email people, too. I hereby resolve, this 1st day of February (I know I'm a month late), to blog more. Especially since I don't have the excuse of SPC Nbs being on the computer constantly for the next few months. Any topic ideas?
on Feb 01, 2006
Welcome back!

Hehe. You could always share your naughty stories!

You're teaching now? Are you enjoying it? How's your old man doing?
on Feb 01, 2006
You could always share your naughty stories!

I've been thinking about that lately. I'll have to have some kind of outlet while he's gone. That's alot safer than some.

You're teaching now? Are you enjoying it?

Yes and no, and yes. I'm working as a teacher's aide at an Elementary school, teaching children's choir and 5th & 6th grade Sunday School, and private flute lessons. I'm loving it all!
How's your old man doing?

Lonely, as I am, but I think he's actually enjoying being back in uniform. I just wish I didn't have to wait so long to see him in it.