Once upon a time in the kingdom of Aquatread...
.......and a little sad
Published on November 7, 2005 By LadyCleve In Blogging
You know that feeling of emptiness that you get sometimes?
Staring up into a clear night sky, black velvet sprinkled with diamond dust....
Watching the reflection of the moon dancing, shimmering on the water
Feel the chill of a cold breeze across the nape of your neck.

Wishing someone would enfold you in their arms, surround you
Feel warm breath stir your hair as they whisper, "it'll be okay"
Wanting the release of tears, comfort against fears

Someone beside you, but a chasm between
Hurt and confusion are all that seem alive

You reach out, too late

Isolated too long, wrapped up in your own world.
In desperation you cry out, but...
No One Answers.

I think I'll go to bed now

on Nov 08, 2005
All too well.
I like the words. Keep writing.
You got my vote.