Once upon a time in the kingdom of Aquatread...
I've been away too long!
Published on October 18, 2005 By LadyCleve In Blogging
Well, hello to anyone out there that remembers me! I know it's been a while since I posted. I haven't forgotten about all of you, but sometimes life gets in the way. I'm hoping to blog about the past six months or so, and keep going. I know that my hubby updated everyone on his health way back. From this side of the hospital gown it was pretty scary. I have never seen him like that before.

So, what has happened since Easter? I played in the pit orchestra for an Opera at school, finished the Spring semester with one B and otherwise As. Delivered alot of pizza! Went to Arkansas to see my Grandfather hours before he died, stayed for planning and services. Came back, summer school! Celebrated 9th Anniversary. Delivered alot of pizza! Bought a new car. Worried about husband's job prospects. Got excited because renters told us they wanted to stay in our house for another 3 years! Got depressed and anxious when they moved out 5 months later. Delivered alot of pizza! Started new job as a Teacher's Aide for Pre-K. Tried to remember what to do when there's more month than money. Prayed. Sang. Delivered a few pizzas. Learned that 4-yr-olds can be BAD!!!

That's a pretty good summary. I'll write more in depth soon, but for now, that's all I can handle. Blog at you later!

on Oct 18, 2005
Nice to see you back:)
on Oct 18, 2005
Welcome back LadyCleve! Always a pleasure to have you around...
on Oct 18, 2005
welcome back. we've missed you!
on Oct 22, 2005
Hooray!!! I missed you too......erm......well, I missed your blogging. Love you.
on Nov 06, 2005
It's nice to see you writing again. Sorry I missed this when you first posted it.