The faint sound of the can-can floated through the house. I rushed to the kitchen, hoping I could answer before the tune ended. I reached, fumbling for the phone, and my stomach clenched with fear when I saw your name. At 5 our paths crossed for the first time, and our lives entwined forever. Although we were born three days and many miles apart, sharing no blood, you were my sister. Closer than I could ever explain from the beginning. At 10 you saved me from the current that trappe...
He's driving me crazy! Only at times, but arrgghhh! A little personality history first. When we met 9 years ago, I was a very outgoing person. I was outrageous, said what I wanted, I enjoyed being in the spotlight, I was liked, I was popular, I was desired, I was funny, I had a zest for life. For the most part, that is me. A little crazy, but who's not? Over the years I have gone through several periods where I was not myself. I developed a problem with my thyroid in college, which ...
Pride joy Normal joy 1 78 2004-08-20T20:06:00Z 2004-08-20T21:24:00Z 2 741 4228 35 8 5192 9.3821 Pride. Ever look itup in the dictionary? Here are a few ofthe definitions I found: a sense of one’sown proper dignity or value; self-respect. arrogant ordisdainful conduct or treatment; haughtiness. an excessivelyhigh opinion of oneself; conceit. Humble. marked by meekness or modesty in behavior...