Once upon a time in the kingdom of Aquatread...
with Low Notes during the week..................
Published on December 8, 2004 By LadyCleve In Life Journals
The past two weekends have been awesome. The weeks have been okay. Our Thanksgiving was not much, since SPC Nobody Special had to work. When he got home, we headed over to my boss' family's place in the country. His dad's a retired chopper pilot (2 tours in Vietnam), and when my boss was growing up, they always had soldiers over who didn't have anywhere to go or who didn't have time to go home. They hadn't done that in a long time, but they decided with all of the Guard and Reserve troops that are here now, it would be a great time to start. They prepared food for about 250 people, and had a rather small turnout. It was very nice, though, and the soldiers and families that did go were very appreciative. After we left there we headed to the home of some friends from church. SPC Nbs was really wanting to go there, as he knew that all five grandsons would be there. We spent time there this past spring and summer, and he always had a blast with the boys. It was a very relaxing evening, but of course it had to be cut short so he could get some sleep and be up at 3:30 the next morning.

Friday morning I went shopping. Bad idea. Very bad idea. Especially when I wasn't really going to have money to spend until payday the next week. Oh well. I also spent time trying to get ahold of a cousin who was in Waco for the week to see about getting together. Saturday it finally worked out. We arranged to meet in Temple since it was about half way for each of us. We had a very nice 2 1/2 hours at Applebee's, but it was too short. We hadn't seen each other in almost 2 years, and I hadn't seen her 8 month old daughter at all. We caught up, we chatted, and I played with Katy. Oh, I had such a good time, I just wish we had longer. She lives near Houston, which is about 6-8 hours from here...............we're going to have to try and get together more often.

Sunday was church. Sunday evening was Singspiration. Every month we have a Sunday evening where we get together with two other churches (different denominations, and very different styles) and have praise and worship. Each church brings a praise team and songs to lead. This one was the first since June that all three churches were together. The last few months one or the other of the other 2 churches had conflicts. So this one we knew was going to be good, I just didn't realize how good until we started. The rehearsal was pretty cool by itself. Our church was doing several Christmas carols since we wouldn't be meeting in December, and when we were going through Joy to the World, our director signaled me to go up to a higher note at the end. I did, and she matched me, so I went up again. I hit a D, the D above high C. I hadn't hit that in years, and even then it just sounded squeaky. This actually sounded good. I was stunned, and so was she. We ended the evening with Mercy Me's I Can Only Imagine. I don't think SPC Nbs was even playing his bass on that one, he was so into singing it. It was amazing. And our music director told me after that she had never seen/heard my husband worship the way he did that night.

I was still on a high from Sunday night the following day. After my hubby got home from work, a friend from my job called and asked if SPC Nbs could help him with something on his car, and his wife was wanting to come borrow another book. So, they came on up, but quicker than we were expecting, and SPC Nbs was still in the tub when they got there. He hadn't taken clothes with him, and I couldn't find his jeans, so he wrapped the towel around him and walked through the living room where our guests sat (she was blushing furiously and covering her eyes), to our bedroom. Fully dressed, the guys went out to look at the car and us girls went in and looked at romance novels. (Note: I have a separate bookcase in our room for my romance novels, as they are not allowed to be on the same shelves with my husbands books, or even in the same room, apparently) After a couple of hours, the guys had done all the damage they could do, so our friends headed to the parts store and we headed out for a quick lunch and a trip to the tree lot. We found a great tree and lugged it home in the trunk of my Neon (if you can imagine this, you're probably laughing your ass off), and had just enough time to get it set up in the stand and get ready to head to rehearsal for the Messiah.

Tuesday, work. Wednesday, work. Wednesday evening, church. I made it just in time for prayer requests, and then on to choir practice. On the way over, I peeked in the window of the youth classroom and was excited. A month ago, we were lucky if we had one youth. Wednesday we had seven! Over to the sanctuary, set up, start running through the piece of music for offertory on Sunday. Very nice piece, brought home from school by our music director. After a short while, one lady's two children came over from the youth group, and three others came with them. It was one of the most amazing practices we've had. After most everyone left, it was myself, the music director, and the drummer/sound guy. We went through several more songs, and then I asked some questions about choir, as I was subbing the next day for the junior high choir teacher. With advice and ideas in hand, I left to go home and sleep.

Much more over the following four days, but that will be another article, as I am tired of typing at the moment. I'll continue shortly.......

on Dec 08, 2004
Keep up the good singing
on Dec 08, 2004
Thank you, Danny