Once upon a time in the kingdom of Aquatread...
Thank you for the thoughts, wishes, and prayers.
Published on December 1, 2004 By LadyCleve In Life Journals
For those of you who have read my past articles, you know that last week I auditioned for a solo in our local performance of Handel's Messiah. Last night the director announced the soloists............................and I got it!!! I had auditioned for three different solo parts, and was actually picked for the most difficult one. I was surprised and very excited. Floating on cloud nine all the way home from rehearsal, and I would have been singing for hours if my hubby hadn't had to be up at 3:30 this morning. I kept him up too late as it was, since I dragged him to rehearsal with me.

After the initial shockwave of disbelief and elation, I started thinking. I've been singing and playing, performing in public since I was two years old. But this is the first time I've sung a solo (outside of church) in over five years. This will be the largest audience I've sung a solo in front of since I was in high school. And it is by far the most challenging (and highest) piece I've ever performed in public.

Then I remembered.....................similar to the opera role I performed in college, my solo part lasts all of 2 minutes, if that. I'm still nervous, and trying to stay away from caffeine and anything else that will strain my vocal chords for the next week.

If anyone is in the area and interested in the performance, it will be Sunday Dec. 5th at 3pm in Howze Auditorium on Fort Hood. The choir has around 150 members from all over the area, several who are local music teachers, professional musicians, and students. There will be a professional orchestra playing as well. I would love to have people I know (whether by screen name or real name) in the audience. SPC Nobody Special will be in the choir as well, as long as his schedule doesn't change again...........

The second thing I'm excited about is school. I've been doing some more research, and I think I've finally figured out where to take the classes I need to finish my degree. Now I just have to figure out how to pay for it, as most of the classes will be online and do not qualify for most traditional financial aid such as Pell Grants and Stafford Loans. I am only lacking 23 hours, so there is a very real chance I can have my degree finished by the summer and be teaching full time next fall. NO MORE PIZZA DELIVERY!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that will make both SPC Nbs and our vehicles happy.......................

If anyone has info or ideas as far as non-traditional financial aid for college, please let me know.

To all of you who were sending good thoughts, wishes, and/or prayers my way for the audition, Thank You!!! If you don't mind too much, keep them coming for the performance, too...............and school.

on Dec 01, 2004
WOW! God on you Lady!!!!! I'm so excited and happy for you! I'm sure you'll make an awesome performance. Let us know how it goes.

But as for financial aid (for school) i'm afraid i have no idea how to help out
on Dec 01, 2004
But as for financial aid (for school) i'm afraid i have no idea how to help out

I've just got to start doing research. When we lived in California I worked at a State University in the financial aid office, so I know about the traditional forms, but unfortunately I can't use most of those for what I'm looking at.

As for the concert, I will definately let you guys know!

Merci beaucoup, island gurl
on Dec 01, 2004
De rien miss, je ne te souhaite pas bonne chance parce que cela porte malheur.

But i really hope you have a hell of a good time and make everybody else enjoy your performance
on Dec 01, 2004
Congratulations all around! Good for you. Be proud of yourself!

Why don't you fill out the FAFSA just in case? You never know what your school might award you. My school awarded financial aid for online classes...so its weird that your school wouldn't...but I suppose it depends on accredidation and stuff. Apply for scholarships...scholarships. I got scholarships from my local Lion's club...$1000...and like $300 from the retired teachers in my school district...check your local paper...sometimes there's notices for civic groups that are giving out scholarships. I also got a scholarship from my church...
on Dec 01, 2004
so its weird that your school wouldn't

What I'm looking at is Excelsior College, which doesn't actually offer very many classes on their own. They are accredited, but most of what they do is offer a chance to consolidate credits received through prior college classes, examination, military & life experience. No residency requirements, as everything is done online. And they don't go by regular semesters. They have class terms starting every month or so for the few dozen classes they offer, and they have a very thorough listing of distance learning schools and classes available as well. The only classes they can't accept are PE. It works out well because all of my classes will transfer, but there are drawbacks to the non-traditional aspects. I will probably do a FAFSA though, just in case.

and thanks for the congrats, marcie!
on Dec 01, 2004
on Dec 01, 2004
Woo! Way to go!
on Dec 01, 2004
Very nice! Congratulations! Knock their socks off!
on Dec 01, 2004
Fantastic Lady Cleve! I hope it goes well for you. Best of luck with school as well.
on Dec 01, 2004
Thanks, guys! I'm really looking forward to the performance...........
on Dec 02, 2004
Congrats on your solo. Break a leg! Continued good wishes where school is concerened.
on Dec 02, 2004
Enjoy, sing your heart out...make a glorious noise!and break a leg, Lady!

I have to agree with little whip on this one. Congrats! I will be there in the front row cheering you on.

What solo did you get? I love Handels Messiah and sing along in the car till my son begs me to stop singing! I'm sure you will sound much better than me!
on Dec 02, 2004
I'm singing the set of 4 Recitatives right before Glory to God.............singing about the shepherds and angels and stuff............. my hubby is standing next to me singing them now.....................funny to hear a baritone singing soprano....................

thank you ladies for the congrats, but I will be trying not to break a leg. I twisted my ankle this evening, though, does that count?
on Nov 10, 2005
Try Thomas Edison State College ( TESC.edu ) fully accredited, oodles of Majors, up to Masters, all on-line, and a tuition asssistance program.
You can take up to 36cr per yr for $4500.00 ( plus books ) and unlimited TECEP test ( similar to CLEP ) upon admission they do a free credit summation for Military experience ( to include PE )
I've got a BA in Liberal Arts ( Humanities ) and a MLA in History from them so far, presently working on a MBA....and I've spent less than 10k over the last 3 years doing so.

Good Luck !