Once upon a time in the kingdom of Aquatread...
an interesting day at school
Published on November 2, 2004 By LadyCleve In Current Events
For those of you looking for an update, I'll post something with more info sometime in the next few days.

This week I am subbing for the band teacher at one of the Intermediate schools in town. Today was my second day with all of the classes, and it was much more difficult to keep them on task and work on playing new music than it was yesterday. Why is that you ask? Because today was election day.

My first three classes were restless and kept baiting each other about their candidates, the fourth class just wouldn't keep quiet period. The last two classes were quiet (5th grade, they were watching CATS), but all of the classes were excitedly talking about the mock election that was going on for the students.

At the end of the day, results were announced: Bush 351, Kerry 114

Kids were running, jumping, whooping, and hollering, most of them excited about the outcome. I can only hope and pray that the real election today shows similar results, at least I know my vote is in.

By the way, did I mention that this is a very heavily military community? Most of the kids' parents are involved at some level. Gee, I wonder if that had anything to do with it?

Anybody else have mock elections at school? Please share!!! And if you haven't voted already, GO VOTE!!!!!

on Nov 02, 2004

My kids school voted yesterday...

484 Bush/Cheney

116 Kerry.

I'm not allowed to vote because I'm not a citizen (yet)..but if I could, I'd be voting for Bush.